CSV Plugin


Use local plain-text comma-separated values (CSV) ascii files. Perhaps you already have a collection of files in this format ... end-of-day data managed as a separate concern by some other application. This plugin is further flexible in that it uses user created "rules" to import many different formats. The rule describes the field format of each line of data to import.

General Input Parameters:

The dates are automatically set to today's date in readiness for loading tonight's End-of-Day data with the "Select Date Range" option.

Rule Page Parameters:

Use this page to create, edit or delete rules.

The left side list contains all the available import fields. The right side list contains the rule fields used. Use the buttons on the button bar to insert or delete items. The fields in the list should match the fields in the ascii file from top to bottom in the list. Using the above picture as an example; The rule would import a record that had the format of "Date:MMDDYYYYHHMMSS,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Ignore". An actual data record would look something like "12/31/1999 23:59:59,100,101,99,100,999999,+0.25".

The import rules are stored in ~/.qtstalker/dataN/plugin/quote/CSV/ directory.

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